Introducing Ahtar





Ahtar is an unusual NPC for Skyrim, and one that’s pretty frustrating to mod due to his status as the executioner– and lord help you if you try to disrupt that scripted role.  Just try to get rid of his default outfit, and you’ll see what I mean.

I like him due to his unrepentant bad attitude and his continued testiness despite your relationship status. “Yeah? What?” is about as much as you get out of him.

Where did he come from- and why is he living amongst the Imperial-allied Nords?  It seemed pretty much a given that he’d be living with the sharpest-tongued lady in Solitude.. but what’s he doing sleeping in the downstairs bed?

I thought Ahtar deserved a little bit more of a story, so I gave him one.

I tinker around with Ahtar’s hair and skin tone quite a bit depending one what I’m doing with screenshots. Redguards vary quite a bit depending on the ENB so it’s tricky. Ahtar’s body is made up of quite a number of mods and unfortunately I had to make some choices which means he’s got some graphical issues.

The body scars and the brand on his left arm are made via pasting assets onto his body normal map. The burns on the right arm are from BI Phenotypes — the burn scars from the Mage resource files, cropped and inexpertly pasted onto his normal map. It was a pain. I believe I grabbed the long scars either from there or one of the other files. The brand on his left arm is one of the glyphs from the in-game journal. It’s better in some shots than others as I struggled with the dpi. His body normal map is Smooth Body Textures for Better Males by Urshi, which has some artifacting, and unfortunately that’s sometimes visible in the shots.

I think his diffuse body texture is also Urshi’s, but there’s quite a number of other resources in it. The chest hair is from resources culled from MBHROP (very NSFW site).

I believe that Ahtar’s subspecular map is also Urshi’s. I made the specular map myself using greyscale images.

Ahtar’s facial scarring is also from BI Phenotypes— I pasted it onto the normal map, and the diffuse map of the scar was painted from that resource as well. The eyeliner and warpaint hopefully are concealing some of the klutzier bits of that. I also made Ahtar’s facial specular map as I wasn’t happy with anything available.  I believe his eyes are from Improved Eyes-Skyrim.






5 Responses

  1. jumarbye says:

    I like your take on Ahtar! It’s most other versions of him I’ve seen. He is indeed an interesting char, and one my char is determined to have as a follower/lover some day (guess I’ll steer clear of Jala though) 🙂

  2. Syl says:

    Haha– Ahtar has a huuge backstory and one I’m still struggling to figure out how to bring it in. Nevermind the technical difficulties of having to force Skyrim into rendering some places which are definitely not-Skyrim.

    Jala would either run you off or make sure the two of you were plenty comfortable; there is no middle ground with her. I kind of regret sending her off to Cyrodiil, but maybe she’ll make a re-appearance.

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