So awhile back I had gotten to thinking about the paradox of a long-lived race involving itself in two major wars back-to-back. The Thalmor refer to the events of thirty years prior as “The First Great War” which suggests they are ramping up for the second.
How exactly were they planning on doing this? In thirty to fifty years the human population could be nearly recovered. Has theirs? It seems they must have lost thousands in the First Great War, males and females alike.
Bear in mind that this a culture which pair-bonding is sancrosanct and monogamy is the norm. Women aren’t seen as necessarily inferior or homebound– which means they’re right up with their spouses taking the same risks.
Mornaraeyliiwyn has considered this.
She’s doing what little she can about it.
Morna is a high-caste mage. She has an unprecedented number of children for any woman, much less an Altmer. How? It’s presumed it’s due to her magical research efforts. Or a barbarian aedric totem. Or some Khajiit herbal substance. Or a pact with the Daedra. Or her own libidinous nature.. it is a regular topic of discussion amongst the neighboring high society, at least when she or Joral are not present.
Desperate Altmer ladies — and not a few of the gentlemen– write her letters to beg advice.
Joral is her third husband. He’s also high-caste and rising rapidly through the landowner ranks. Marriage to the widow of one of the revered founders of the Thalmor state has been a great assist to his career.
Not that this explains why he elected to marry her– he did that with very little negotiation– almost upon first sight.
Set in time shortly after their marriage, just about the turning of the year 4e 180.
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