
Erdi is an important person in Cyrelian’s story and she deserved some changes. I’m still fussing over her. She’s rather an unusual looking character, but very elegant once the dirt and smudging is gone…

Above is the first idea that I had for her; below is the custom texture that I’ve been working out slowly. It’s adapted from some poor terrified waifu that I deconstructed, probably one of the Bijins.ย  Makeup is Kai’s; the tattoo is… well, I’m not sure. It’s likely Empyrean Warpaint. The skin texture above I’m not sure about, it came packaged with BD Hoodie Schlongs, of all things.

In the below shot, you’re looking at a PC as I haven’t finished making her yet. There’s still some sculpting to do and I need to grab the makeup and paint it onto her diffuse map. I figure a palace maid probably wears a little makeup. I greatly dislike tintmasks.



4 Responses

  1. jumarbye says:

    You certainly have her looking better than Bethesda did (like, whenever did they make anyone good-looking?) Poor old Erdi deserves a makeover – can’t wait to see the finished look! ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Syl says:

    Here we go– let’s try this comment again.

    I always figured Erdi for getting picked on by Una and the other palace folks and she’s always so dang cheery regardless.

    Right now I’m finishing up some dialogue rather than firing up the CK, but I’ll get there eventually.

  3. That indeed would be Empyrean! What’s wrong with tintmasks, they’re so easy! ๐Ÿ˜›

    She’s already looking very nice. I like unusual looking people, and you’re very good at them. If you lined up all the ultra-popular Nord men on Nexus I wouldn’t be able to tell you which one was which. Of course, I’m sure their popularity stems from “non-threatening boy syndrome”, but still.

    Really looking forward to seeing her completed ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Syl says:

    I always seem to get some crazy problem when I use a tint mask on an NPC to make a distinctive face, no matter how much I mess with it.

    So I just pull off whatever distinctive feature I want and layer it over in GIMP and slap it down.

    This is why PC-Cyrelian and NPC-Cyrelian do not have their caste mark in the same place. It’s slightly off center for PC-Cyr as the female elf tint mask is off kilter for him. It wasn’t enough to be worth fixing and I didn’t want to mess with custom race. Custom body skin is bad enough.

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