Meet Alfgar


Alfgar’s gotten the least amount of attention from me in writing my stories because his voice isn’t terribly clear in my head yet.

Alfgar is a stalwart fellow.

I know this because he puts up with Marcus– even likes having him around sometimes.

Alfgar is one of my first characters in Skyrim. He came from a needs-mods playthrough, where I started in the howling wilderness with a guy who was going to freeze to death RIGHT NOW if I didn’t figure things out in a hurry.

And then we got attacked by some random werewolf. I have no idea which mod that was.

Alfgar is a Nord in middle life– I would say in his early 50s. He has lived most of his life outside of Skyrim. He is now sick of the devastation of war and wants it to be over, so that he can get on with helping to rebuild his beloved homeland.

He was one of the first followers I started to customize, and I haven’t made an NPC from him yet because so far his hair and beard have been different every time I’ve made him.  Because he’s fairly simple and based on one of the Nord presets, I like to vary him up.

Did I mention that Alfgar puts up with Marcus?

Teaser shot:


Actually I think Alfgar looks a little alarmed. That’s all right. That’s everyone’s usual reaction to Marcus.



3 Responses

  1. Cgirl says:

    If he’s in his 50s, wouldn’t he start to be graying a bit? With that dark hair, it would definitely show.

    • Syl says:


      Hair is sort of dealt with via a color-continuum in game, so if you want, say salt-and-pepper you are out of luck. You can get like a slatey grey or a silver but it’s all one color. Like, hair is made of meshes–the polygons which make the 3d image– and textures, which is the flat picture which colors the image. All hair textures in game are a pale blond, and the game superimposes another color on top of that pale blond at character creation.

      Some day I will figure out how to mess around with it, I’m sure. For some reason there are like 900 hairstyles with pink-and-white anime hair but none that are naturally greying out.

  2. jumarbye says:

    I wonder how I missed this? I like his looks – it will be interesting to see if you make a story with him, too. 🙂

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