Not Fair

Alfgar says we are not being fair–  everyone ELSE here gets to have glamour shots done while they are young and pretty, and did we bother asking him?


I expressed some hesitation. I don’t believe Alfgar was ever one or the other. Certainly not both–

Alfgar said even just a few years ago would be fine.



I hope he’s happy now.


3 Responses

  1. jumarbye says:

    Sometimes we have to humor our children….

    (yes Alfgar, I’m talking about you) 🙂

  2. Syl says:

    Haha, yep!

    He’ll be in the main story coming up. Not sure if it’s just a cameo for now.

    I was just surprised at how good-looking I got him.

    Sadly my new little npc mod has resulted in a half-bald Marcus so I have some mod surgery to do before Alfgar can become an NPC as well. It’ll be easier to work with. (I don’t know what I f’ing bumped in CK but it must have been significant…)

    • jumarbye says:

      Eee gad! We can’t have Marcus missing some hair.

      Yeah, the CK is twitchy at the best of times. For my part, I spend all kinds of time making a companion, thinking he looks awesome…and then I see him in game and think wtf CK – what have you done to my guy? lol (it’s always the ck’s fault – never mine…hehehehe)

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