Monthly Archive: April 2018

Simple Clothes for Men- Part 2


Dashing Spellsword.

Marcus says ain’t no way, ain’t no how that this belongs to somebody at the Thalmor Embassy. Did it maybe get left behind in the Third Embassy’s antechamber after one of those parties?

It doesn’t matter. Marcus is keeping it.


… And here we have Dar’mazhan wearing Wandering Spellsword.


And back to the lab–

Dashing Spellsword and Scholarly Mage.

Apparently Cyrelian has stuff to do. Marance is so demanding.


All outfits from Simple Outfits for Men by Refurb Madness.

House mod: Karthside Estate 2.

Land mod: The Haven from the Cold and Dark.


Cyranrir in Valenwood


I suppose I should annotate: This would be in Woodhearth, I imagine in some area still salted with Imperial-style buildings– I don’t think it looks very Bosmeri except for maybe the ivy.  Cyranrir traveled a great deal in his younger days on family business and for reasons of his own. He then lived in Cyrodiil for an extended period of time.

Here he is with one of his Bosmer friends; I’m not sure what the story is with the wig, but I’m sure it’s a good one.

Not particularly a nice person, Cyranrir, but loyal to his own people; his friend here ends up steward of one of his properties in Alinor.

New Clothes for All– Simple Clothes for Men

Moonlight Assassin.

And I got Marcus to behave. I said if he wasn’t good, I wouldn’t let him model any of the rest of it.  He was good.


Dashing Spellsword– look at that cloak clasp, woah.

The Scholarly Mage, and I can tell that Cyrelian is finally happy with me…


All outfits from Simple Outfits for Men by Refurb Madness.

House mod is the lovely Karthside Estate 2

