Kissie the orc

Well, actually it’s Ghissog gra-Ugor but, I ask you– Who wants to be saddled with that?

Kissie is a friend of Marcus’.

When we started asking questions, trying to see if Sedave had a c.v. or even, well, a portfolio, whatever Sedave told us was completely incomprehensible.

So Marcus told us about Kissie.

Kissie’s from some horrid place out in the Rift, where the Orcs are whiney milkdrink— what?

Marcus says, it does not matter what Alfgar says, that word is not okay. Do not use that word. Marcus is refusing to explain. So it must be pretty bad. What about snowba— ooh. Is THAT what that means? Yikes.


Kissie.. excuse me, that is just a pet name, Marcus says– Ghissi started out life as the daughter of an Orc ranger.


See there, Marcus. Kissie says that name’s just fine.

She had an ordinary life, working around the forge, being a dutiful and helpful orc maid–  alright.

That might be kind of a stretch.

She wanted more out of life– so after a lot of argument and turmoil, she left.

Went to the Legion for a little while, but it wasn’t for her. Not exactly the life of glamour. Notwithstanding the armor, of course.

So Kissie left. It turns out that the Imperial Legion has no interest of chasing its runaways through the wilds of Skyrim.

Kissie knew how to fend for herself in the wild, and she built her own cozy little home in a tree in Falkreath.

I decided not to investigate the thorny question of how she got to know Marcus, but she did, and when we were talking about this whole business of personal transformations et cetera, Marcus suggested that maybe she’d be willing to volunteer.

So we packed up Sedave and a lot of equipment and went to go find her. In case you are wondering, Sedave does not travel light. Bring at least one extra mule.

Sedave told Kissie she had a lot of potential:

She seemed dubious.

She wasn’t convinced, until–

Sedave smiles. He said it wouldn’t take too much magic.

Sedave was right. The camera’s gonna love her.

He says he’s got some more ideas. We’ll be back.

Preset- KISSIMAX by Marmotte.

ENB- Snapdragon Prime/Snapdragon profile

Skin- Real Women of Skyrim and Unslaad Keizaal (face and body normal map by Marmotte in the Kissimax file).


5 Responses

  1. Cgirl says:

    Woah, these pictures are much lighter and I can see most everything in them. Really awesome!

  2. Syl says:


    I’m still working on all that.

    I think the ones in the new story might be easier to see, too. I lightened them up a fair amount and they were with a different ENB that’s pretty bright.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Well of course Sedave is worth every septim – Marcus did say that he’s the only one that can get the eyeliner right. 😉

    Whoa, Marcus in that second wig strongly reminds me of Stomae’s “Tous les mêmes”

    Great modeling, Marcus! You looked very fine. 🙂

    • Syl says:

      I’m gonna grab your comment and stick it on Marcus’ post so’s I can find it again.

      He’s gonna get jealous if I don’t!

  4. jumarbye says:

    Oh wait, anonymous was me.

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