Has anyone seen Marcus?

I think Proventus took a level in badass.

Must be the hat.

And I don’t think Farengar’s going to listen to you about the latest styles from Wayrest anymore.

You see? The trouble he gets into without… I AM going to have to put Sedave on staff, for Marcus- wrangling.

Haha, Marcus must think we are made of money. Nope! It isn’t that long a sentence, you can just wait it out–

Marcus says I can just shut up now.

Also Marcus wants another hat.

of course he does

Basic Robes and a horridly tweaked Caffeine ENB . That is NOT what it is supposed to look like, whoops.  But I couldn’t throw away these pics.





4 Responses

  1. jumarbye says:

    So Marcus did a “Waldo” and went into hiding, eh? 😀 What trouble did he get himself into? I saw on Furb’s page that you were looking for bail money. Good grief! Please hire Sedave quickly so you can relax! 😀

    (Psst – When Marcus is in a more humble frame of mind, tell him he looks great in those robes!)

    Et tu Proventus?

  2. Syl says:

    Proventus is gonna have to keep that hat- it’s just too good on him.

    And I betcha the Jarl of Whiterun’s gonna put in a dress code now.

  3. jumarbye says:

    Hehe….Farengar might not be happy with a dress code.

    When I saw Farengar, I didn’t even recognize him (no hood! no mutton chops! long hair!) I thought I was looking at a younger John Lithgow! 🙂

  4. Syl says:

    I dunno what mod I installed that made that guy good-looking, but I think I’m gonna keep it.

    I think the Whiterun mod is Paradise City, but I can’t remember.

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