Kissie in the Well

So Kissie got tired of living at the stronghold and set out on her own.

This is the house she built in the Rift. Since a certain Nord lives not too far away, I assume he helped out.

Kissmiax by Marmotte

The Well-A Home in the Rift.

Blanket Scarf Retexture Earth Tones


I am a really big fan of Jasperthegnome’s houses and they’re part of what inspired me to come up with Alfgar.

2 Responses

  1. jumarbye says:

    Well Kissie turned out looking really good in SSE (I assume you’re shooting from SSE?)


  2. Syl says:

    Nope, that’s LE.

    Right now I don’t have much from SSE other than a handful of landscape shots, which were not very interesting because they were all ENB tests.

    Kissie looks okay. If you want to see her looking great, you need to go take a look at Marmotte’s stuff today, because he always has her looking fabulous. That spec map.

    On the other hand I think she gets more down time over here, and she’s not complaining.

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