Monthly Archive: June 2018

Kissie’s Modeling Career


So Kissie’s been talking to Sedave some more, and he told her about this thing called a portfolio, and she asked me if I wouldn’t mind helping her get set up with just a few pictures she could show around, maybe some introductions…

Sure, kids, why not.

I can make some calls.



… I did tell her about that orc, um.. what is his name…you know, the one in the doublet…What? that’s why I put all that stuff in my phone, it’s so I don’t HAVE to remember it.

The Orc might be able to set her up with some people– maybe even an audience of people who especially like orcs. I’ve been to that website. I know they’re out there.


Yes, yes, Kissie– I saw those pictures of you that the other guy did, over on that site that is MUUUUCH better than yours. His shots of you are magnificent! But, I’m sure he’s got professional-quality equipment, and more contacts in the fashion industry, and more patience, and a better cameraperson, and a better budget and …  a lack of Marcus– we have a special insurance rider now just to take care of all of the problems Marcus causes–

But, we can get you something knocked together real quick, kiddo. It’ll be done today.

And we have better beer.

Just putting that out there.



Kissie, of course is KISSIMAX courtesy of Marmotte.

Jewelry is Immersive Jewelry.

ENB is… um. I don’t actually remember. I believe it to be a tweaked Snapdragon Prime/Snapdragon profile, but it could be Caffeine.

Marcus and the necklace

So Marcus reminded me that we took a few more pictures the other day when Sedave was over–and he kind of likes these because of that neck–


It’s no longer in the props bag. At least I know where it’s gotten to.



