Morna and Joral — Quick Interlude

More Morna and Joral.


This one’s quite a bit naughtier than usual, so be forewarned.

I assume somebody sent them fur mittens from Skyrim. I don’t suppose it was easy to find a practical use for them in Alinor, but they managed.

Morna’s rather exuberant; it’s probably why she’d rather live someplace far removed from the scrutiny of the capitol. Not that she seems that averse to scrutiny…

ENB is probably Unbleak but I had to do a lot of tweaking to adjust the brightness of these interior shots. House mod is Azura’s Dawn, decorated with Jaxonz Positioner and Jokerine’s The Merry Snowberry.


2 Responses

  1. jumarbye says:

    Morna is definitely not shy 🙂 But on the other hand, she probably didn’t expect Candid Camera at home XD

    Well done!

  2. Syl says:

    Oh, idk, after Cyranrir who knows what she came to expect.


    All of the shots with her and Joral were done a long time ago, so when I’ve finally run through them all that’s probably going to be it. Unless I figure out what mod Joral came from, because I can’t recall.

    I did save her as a preset, though. Hehe.

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