Category: Cyrelian

Sedave’s Tough Assignment

Sedave says he thinks it can be done.


So, it’s necessary to go outside one’s comfort zone when working on personal style.

Isn’t that right, Sedave?

Sedave says– don’t get carried away. One can go too far.


Anyhow, he thought we’d like to take a look at his process.

He says this wasn’t going to work for Cyrelian, not because it’s all that terrible, but because he’s just not ever going to acclimate… wellll, not without a mask. Or those sunglasses:


It’s as if Sedave’s never had to deal with Marcus. The elf is kind of whiny but he’s no trouble at all, really. We haven’t even had to negotiate with Maven’s —

Sedave says that’s exactly why he’s so tired, and maybe I should trust his judgment here? Did we not like the work on the island–

Sedave just remembered that we are not supposed to mention that until we get approval. Yeah. Still pending.

Sedave says that the hairstyle is cute but we’re going to try something else. Is there a wig?

No need. The elf says he’s perfectly happy breaking out the illusion magic.

Icons 2: Cyre– I mean some random elf idk who

Look. I don’t want there to be any misunderstandings here. We filled out all the paperwork and sent it off and even went down to the Thalmor Embassy to have it certified, so that we would NOT have any problems.

They have not got back to us yet.

So, this is one of the other types of men you might happen to encounter in the mid 1980s, though this is one that –unlike Marcus– would not prompt a hissed whisper of “and he’s a very nice boy.” No, not at all.

See, there was this thing called “heavy metal”…


Oh, right.Right. We have to maintain anonymity until we get permission. Don’t worry, we won’t publish any of those pictures where you’re recognizable–

Hey! Where did those sunglasses go? We’re going to need them–


Sedave is shaking his head.


Sedave says he thinks Marcus is off making a new friend. Or–something to that effect. Do– any of you understand him?

I don’t know why I expected a helpful response.

Oh. They’re right here in my hand. Sorry!

Because we absolutely CANNOT be doing this without sunglasses. Cyre– I mean “the elf” says so.

Hey, be careful with those glasses– they were the most expensive part of the whole–

Say, do you guys think he looks like an album cover?



EDIT: Note to self– ENB is Caffeine, editing night shots.

ENB– Caffeine

Location- Aibella Island

Furb’s Casual Clothes- Beach and Club

Realistic Eyeglasses

Barbaric Male Armor for SoS

Furb’s Scoundrel’s Armor Remastered

Immersive Jewelry



Sedave says not to blame him for anything to do with the elf– you get stopped by the Thalmor, sometimes you got to go along to get along, hey?

Even the Black-Briars think twice about getting in their way:

Also… Altmeri have money, and they don’t nickle and dime.


I told Sedave not to worry about it.

We didn’t make him sign Sedave of those non-compete clauses. Anyways, the elf sometimes works for us, which shows you that sometimes there are offers one just can’t refuse.
