Category: Marcus

Icons 6– (Ahtar shows off and Marcus… uh… much more NSFW!)

Ahtar says it isn’t fair, we didn’t get any real pictures of him. Were we only gonna take pictures of those younger guys?

So I grabbed the camera and we went back out to the beach once the rest of the gang went up to the restaurant. At least, I think they all did. Somebody was looking for Savsaaba and I didn’t hear Marcus… Ahtar reminds me that Marcus is probably still digging around in the props chest looking for that ruby bracelet. I guess he misses out on potato skins, then.

Very tricky stuff with the lighting the way it is, but I think we did an all right job. Ahtar says– we done? He’s getting eaten alive by the sand flies.

Thanks, Ahtar!

We’ll say goodbye to the beach for now.

Those two’re just going to have to catch up with everyone at the restaurant later.



ENB– Caffeine

Location- Aibella Island

Outfits– Skimpy Unicorn Outfits for SoS

Furb’s Casual Clothes- Beach and Club

Rayban-like Sunglasses

Pierced Ears

And of course the very sexy Savsaaba- Standalone Follower.


Icons– 4 (Cyrelian… or I told you he could do it, Furb)

Marcus says he’s getting bored.

And he says we need to face facts:

Altmer can’t jump.

This prompted a general debate, let me tell you what.

We might as well move on to what we had planned originally with the props available:

But Cyrelian says that since we’re here and the camera crew is still here, he wants to try again:

See?  See?!

Cyrelian told everyone he could do it.

Marcus still isn’t convinced.

Truthfully I’m not convinced we’re getting that past Legal. Levitation magick for sure– but… It was a jump!


Marcus is complaining–it’s getting dark out and it’s going to rain and we’re losing the light.

Are we wrapping?

Because he’s hungry.

And there’s a bonfire down on the beach, can we go–


EDIT: Note to self– ENB is Caffeine, editing night shots.

ENB– Caffeine

Location- Aibella Island

Furb’s Casual Clothes- Beach and Club

Realistic Eyeglasses

Barbaric Male Armor for SoS

Furb’s Scoundrel’s Armor Remastered

Immersive Jewelry

Blue Jeans Plus Volume 3


Icons 1– Marcus

So, this is what the guys from my neighborhood wanted to look like, circa 1984 or so, though I have to say the jeans here are much nicer. I seem to recall that there was a great insistence on the creases being just-so. And the jewelry.

So we consulted the expert on past fashion, and we probably had a little therapy session along the way, so here we are going back in time:

Hey! Marcus– get over here, we’ve got a pastel suit with your name on it– do you wanna be Crockett or Tubbs?

Marcus says that if we want him to take off the jacket we’re gonna have to be nicer about it. Also he said that he is not feeling the femme today, so we gotta respect that.

Sedave is over there muttering something incomprehensible again (Did he say Michael Weston?) and rummaging through trunks. I told him to knock it off before the clouds come in and we lose the weather.

Anyways I told Sedave about what those guys from my neighborhood used to wear circa the mid-eighties— though I would have to say our jeans fit a lot nicer. (They used to iron and crease them. Shudder.) You can almost smell the crunchy hair gel, that weird yellow Listerine, and Marlboro Reds.

Marcus brings on the machismo:

Huh! Well, if’n they’d looked like this I might not have left home.


Hey, Marcus– I just thought of something fun– do you remember the early days of MTV? And what they used to call heavy metal?

Marcus says we can leave all that up to the elf.

Oh, really?

Challenge accepted.

Edit: Take two on trying to do links:

Aibellia Island

Furb’s Casual Clothes- Beach and Club

Blue Jeans Plus Volume 3

Jewelry is Immersive Jewelry, mostly.

ENB is Caffeine.
