Category: Uncategorized

Visitor privacy


Still trying to address an odd bug in the comment feature section. A visitor alerted me that they were able to see another visitor’s email address– not on the comment section itself, but in the fill-in forms. After some friends and I conducted tests, we were able to replicate the problem, which seems to occur only intermittently.

For now, feel free to leave comments without leaving an email address.  If you do leave one, please make sure it’s a throwaway.  Curiously, I don’t know why the site insisted on an email address being entered, since I had that functioning turned off.

I’m unlocking the moderation so that I can keep testing and I have a cookie system up to help keep any possible spam bots at bay.


Any concerns, feel free to send me a message at syllisjehane… well, you know how spambots are, and I’m pretty sure you all know what a hot mail address looks like by now.

Issue with Imgur

So if you see weird russian crap or whatever in my Imgur albums, I have no idea either and have contacted support.  I assume sitewide issue as the images are being deleted by their team as fast as they’re being posted. Also, I cannot delete them, making it unlikely they are local to my personal account.


EDIT– Whatever it was, it’s gone now.

Quick update

I’m nearly finished revamping the new Cyrelian installment– it’s been written for quite a while but I had glossed over a conversation which decided to go back and rewrite.

I’ve got a few more in the queue.

Many of the shots have already been taken and it’s just a question of the writing.
