Tagged: Marcus

Warmstone of Windhelm 2

Some more pictures of my people at Warmstone. You’ll notice that the main bedroom and a few other places have very few changes. They were just about perfect to begin with. I replaced the mannequins at the door with a hand-washing station and an area to take off boots/coats.

Marcus gets cleaned up as he comes in.

The boot and coat area. The owner puts out fur shoes for guests to wear inside.

Erdi is busy making salad dressing, I think. Custom alchemy table mod.
I haven’t changed too much of the kitchen at this point.
Closer look at the alchemy table.

Marcus hangs around upstairs. I added a ton of clutter and two bedrolls upstairs; also a tiny privy down the hall in the old safe cabinet.

Here I’ve gotten the cordials set up on the server behind the table.
Oven installed, as well as some more food clutter. Erdi says to not look at her hair; she just took off her hat and it’s a disaster.
Marcus in the bath. I just added some greenery and some more dividers in here to hide the toilet from the bath.
You can see both the boot station and the handwashing station in this shot. Marcus is wearing some retextured pajama pants. Is that marabou?
Slightly different shot. New texture on the pants. Both are wallpapers from Clockwork Castle.

Open robe and underwear, same two textures. Entrance seating area changed up a bit. Smaller jar and cushioned chair.

Table is set for a very lavish dinner.
Tiny bit more of kitchen clutter visible.
Entrance bar clutter redone but kept in the spirit of the mod, I hope.
Cyrelian’s never one to leave a place messy. Downstairs bunkhouse area.

Downstairs with somebody’s sewing project lying about.
Playing some sort of game, I don’t know what. It’s from the Witcher.

Kitchen with more of the food clutter filled in.

Marcus and Alfgar nap.

Arclite Community College–College of Winterhold Wrap-up Party

It’s time for our students to say goodbye to Arclite as it’s finally the end-of-term.

Ah, Cyrelian has a question.

Of course he does. It’s not like we’re waiting to get started eating or anything.

What is it?!

He says it’s raining pretty good out there and it’s getting kind of dark and– do we really have to stick around for this thing?


You know what that means– everyone else wants to go home early now too.

You know, that’s really kind of rude, it looks like Professor Marance went to some trouble, and–

Marcus beat me to it–

Well, Cyr got told.

Marcus is right, it wouldn’t kill everyone to grab a bite and hang around for a few minutes. The food looks pretty good…

Come on, you don’t want Professor Marance to feel bad, do you?

So yeah, everybody ended up staying… and it ended up being a pretty good time.

At least, as good a time as you can have in the Aether Suite without being intoxicated.

I think Professor Marance is just as grateful to leave this place behind as the rest of us. I think she’s going to be keeping that spiffy little cardigan, though.




Marcus – Furb armors photoshoot



This was a series of shots I did for Furb’s Male Replacer- Wolf


and Furb’s Male Replacer- Steel.  Marcus was not happy, but he was at least somewhat cooperative.  That’s fine– we can go get him the lighter weight armor he prefers…Furb’s Male Replacers- Dark Brotherhood…

All right then. I’m not sure it’s worth Mehrune’s Dagger to the throat.. he doesn’t have to wear it. He did beg to keep the hat..

I promised him a treat if we could get in one more armor. He… very grudgingly agreed to cooperate.

Furb’s Male Replacers – Forsworn

So, at first I told  him that there were these people out there– men, probably– who were complaining about the penises that could be seen in the mod page pictures.

Marcus demanded to know why these men were afraid of penises.

I tried to explain, but he interrupted– Marcus always knows better– his theory was that the penises on the mod page were… must be… terrifyingly huge to these individuals. He then expressed his own opinion as to their respective equipage:

I then gently reminded him that we had to get back to work:

After I  made it clear that threats, begging, tantrums, and chicken dances weren’t going to work, I got a reasonable shot:


He asked for a bottle of mead, which is fair– we were in the sun all day, out on the marsh… but when I got back..

I have advised the mod author that this fad for functional loincloths is going to result in severely curtailed photoshoots. At least on Nexus. I can’t imagine the terror and tumult that would result.

As it was, I drank the godsdamn mead.

A few weeks later Marcus reminded me that I owed him that promised treat.  Well enough.

Brigida Dress Alteration for Men.

Hah. We’ll see who has the last laugh.

… sigh. And he loves it. Marcus is such a jerk.




