Tagged: mod shoutout

Cyrelian- Journeyman Healer Robes

So far I have tapped Alfgar, Ahtar, an unnamed orc, and Marcus the badly behaved to model armors, but I haven’t used Cyrelian or Erdi much. That’s an oversight.


Cyrelian the Doleful is in Journeyman Healer by RefurbMadness.  Erdi’s dress is probably Apachii Divine Elegance; but it looks like she’s borrowed his beautiful cloak.

Cyrelian and Cyranrir

I had to wonder what those mer must have been like, at the very end of the 3d era– the ones who within a couple of decades changed everything about the Altmer social structure and government.  Even after the shock of Crystal-like-law, that had to have been one hell of an effort.

This is Cyranrir, my protagonist Cyrelian’s father. If I had to hazard a guess, I would say this shot is from early in the Oblivion Crisis before they knew just how bad things would get.

He’s been deceased about three decades at the beginning of Cyrelian’s story, so this meeting never would have occured.

Heavy armor is Robbie’s Fireglass Armory and the green armor is my green recolor of Thalmor Armory.




Ahtar armor shots

More pictures of Ahtar modeling various armors. These were pictures I put up on Nexus as player-provided images for the mods in question.  Here we have my older version of Ahtar and his younger self below.


Credits to Refurbmadness for the Iron and Wolf armors and to Skybroom for the Witcher leather pants.
